目前分類:電影+電視心得相關 (305)
發表時間 | 文章標題 | 人氣 | 留言 |
2011-12-30 | X戰警:第一戰─X-Men: First Class | (574) | (0) |
2011-10-26 | 雷神索爾─Thor | (473) | (2) |
2011-09-01 | 北與南─North and South | (3149) | (0) |
2011-06-16 | 倒帶人生─Staurt: A Life Backwards | (1662) | (1) |
2011-05-31 | 真實的勇氣─True Grit | (1150) | (0) |
2011-05-18 | 燃燒鬥魂─The Fighter | (256) | (3) |
2011-04-13 | 魔髮奇緣─Tangled | (727) | (4) |
2011-03-28 | 黑天鵝─Black Swan | (520) | (4) |
2011-03-20 | 千杯不醉 | (355) | (0) |
2011-03-15 | 白教堂─Whitechapel | (992) | (3) |
2011-03-05 | 四獅誓師─Four Lions | (217) | (0) |
2011-02-20 | 異國情緣─The White Countess | (2413) | (0) |
2011-02-10 | 波斯王子:時之刃─Prince of Perisa: Sands of Time | (113) | (0) |
2011-01-09 | 鋼鐵人二─Iron Man2 | (225) | (6) |
2010-12-31 | Vexed | (539) | (0) |
2010-12-23 | 玩具總動員3─Toy Story 3 | (179) | (2) |
2010-12-04 | 烈女與鏢客─Two Mules for Sister Sara | (398) | (0) |
2010-11-24 | 性福拉警報─The Kids Are All Right | (250) | (0) |
2010-11-15 | 凍死骨─Winter's Bone | (1214) | (0) |
2010-10-31 | 全面啟動─Inception | (483) | (2) |
2010-10-23 | 時尚女王香奈兒─Coco avant Chanel | (263) | (0) |
2010-10-13 | 最後的敵人─The Last Enemy | (1621) | (4) |
2010-10-02 | 前往世界盡頭─To the Ends of the Earth | (2773) | (3) |
2010-09-25 | 偷拐搶騙─Snatch | (2493) | (0) |
2010-09-18 | 小島─Small Island | (589) | (0) |
2010-09-13 | 死神的精準度 | (155) | (0) |
2010-09-09 | 越戰狂想曲─Cat Shit One | (455) | (0) |
2010-09-07 | 奇異恩典─Amazing Grace | (1015) | (0) |
2010-09-05 | 獵殺幽靈寫手─The Ghost Writer | (668) | (0) |
2010-08-30 | Benedict Cumberbatch | (16057) | (32) |
2010-08-26 | 索命條碼─Repo Men | (3590) | (2) |
2010-08-10 | 新世紀福爾摩斯/福爾摩斯現代版─Sherlock 2010 | (9416) | (5) |
2010-08-07 | 天外奇蹟─Up | (736) | (0) |
2010-08-01 | 珍愛奧斯汀─Lost in Austen | (2309) | (0) |
2010-04-28 | 最後的蘇格蘭王─The Last King of Scotland | (390) | (0) |
2010-04-13 | 公主與青蛙─The Princess and the Frog | (324) | (0) |
2010-03-25 | 間諜遊戲─Spy Game | (8698) | (0) |
2010-03-04 | 太空戰士VII:降臨神子(完整版)─Final Fantasy VII Advent Children Complete | (4461) | (6) |
2010-02-18 | 情義之西西里島/黒金 | (4147) | (1) |
2010-02-09 | 即刻救援─Taken | (193) | (0) |
2010-01-24 | 超異能十號房─The Lost Room | (1414) | (1) |
2010-01-16 | 八美圖─8 Femmes | (4881) | (0) |
2010-01-07 | 空中殺手─The Sky Crawlers | (1436) | (2) |
2009-12-31 | 福爾摩斯─Sherlock Holmes | (406) | (0) |
2009-11-27 | 鎗火 | (2799) | (0) |
2009-11-20 | 艾瑪2009─Emma | (4435) | (0) |
2009-11-12 | 萬惡城市─Sin City | (253) | (0) |
2009-11-05 | 真愛永恆─The Fountain | (4946) | (0) |
2009-10-28 | 帝國玫瑰─Jodhaa Akbar | (602) | (0) |
2009-10-20 | 冬之獅─The Lion in Winter | (996) | (2) |